Welcome to Impact Wrkshp
We build community through co-design
Impact Wrkshp is a social impact organization in design.
We believe collaboration and participation create the groundwork for a more equitable design process. Together, we re-imagine the workshop model as a change agent toward social good.
Who We Are
We are a collective of thinkers, makers, doers, and dreamers. We are women empowering women.
We are believers in the power of bringing co-design and hands-on making together in the service of a better tomorrow.
Join us, support us, follow us today.
What We Do
Impact Wrkshp hosts a 12-week Summer Fellowship which connects interdisciplinary design students with a community organization or K-12 school and provides all participants with the tools, training, and mentorship to bring a co-design project to life, together. We teach emerging designers how to reach out, give back, and use their training towards social good, and inspire students within K-12 schools to envision the built environment as a change agent of learning and empowerment.
Make An Impact
Your contribution will help us build community one impact project at a time.